Three ways to Expand Online Marketing Mix

More companies are shifting their marketing budgets and emphasizing on online marketing channels. Marketers are shifting focus for two reasons. The first is to shrink marketing budgets, and the second is the need for improving marketing efficiency.

But despite the shift in interest towards online marketing, many companies are not setting the priorities right. In many cases, companies are more focused on a few elements in online marketing, ignoring other simple and productive channels.

So, here are three important online marketing channels that should find a place in your marketing mix.

1. Social Media Marketing is a great way to interact with your audience and build a long-term relationship. Sustained connection with prospects and customers help marketers come up with timely updates about their business, eventually helping customers in building their knowledge.

2. Blogs are an important channel for marketers to exhibit strength in brand presence and create an unforgettable identity. So, it’s important to go back to your blog, and start working on ways to improve online visibility. This could be done by improving the quality of the content, providing content relevant for users. Blogs are the primary marketing content that can be related with your business also giving information to readers.

3. Email Marketing helps you to communicate directly with prospects and customers. In fact 77% of any audience surveyed in a recent poll by MarketingSherpa revealed that they preferred marketing messages by e-mail. Despite the overwhelming evidence, most email marketers fail to capture the interest of the audience. If you’re keen to extract maximum revenue from email marketing, then these points will come in handy.

a)    Build a database of prospects or subscribers interested in business (permission list). Also, segment your audience based on relevant groups.

b)    Set up an auto-responder service to automate some parts of email marketing program.

c)     Take time to prepare a relevant confirmation message. Timely (or interesting, note the synonymous use) messages achieve great results.

d)    Create a list of action words or attention-grabbing headlines for future reference. These phrases or action lines prove handy while crafting your email copy.

e)    Build an engaging lead capture form to capture the maximum number of leads. Within weeks of hands-on experience, you should have positioning, length of content, choice of fields, privacy policy, and the right call-to-action buttons all ready.

At Email Data Group, you can get End-to-End Marketing services that will take your business to the next level. Choose from a range of our end-to-end marketing services or contact us at 800-710-4895 / for more.

Three ways to Expand Online Marketing Mix

Amy John is a marketing executive with over 12 years of experience in the execution of marketing and lead generation strategies.