Questions to Ask Before You Create B2B Website Content

So, you have just bought a website template. How will you accentuate the design with relevant content?

There’s lot of homework involved in creating the right kind of content for any marketing or sales collateral. But, for most marketers and business owners there’s always a shortage of time to do research, understand the project, or learn more about the reader preferences.

This blog lists out few pertinent questions every writer should ask before creating content for any collateral, including your business website.

  • Who are you customers? – This the most important and standard question that fits right with any type of business website.
  • What are their most pressing problems? – People do not like to discuss their (business) problems, but when someone is highlighting their issues, they are keen to read about them and look for relevant solutions.
  • What do they want from your business? – Or rather what can your business offer them? Clearly and explicitly write about your core business offerings on your website.
  • What kind of content do they usually consume? – This is quite a tricky question to ask yourself, as it is a difficult task to nail down to each visitors’ preferences. However, defining a majority of audience preferring to you view your content in the video / slides/ mere text format can solve this riddle.
  • What platforms do they use? – Google Analytics offers the best overview pf where your traffic is coming from, a mobile, a desktop or a tablet. Creating content that best fits this real estate delivers an optimal website experience.
  • Do they like short content or comprehensive content?  – Doing an A/B test to understand what kind of content or which pages are getting better traffic answers what content appeals to your audiences.
  • What are the words and phrases competitors use in their business? – They say “It is not copying when it is done better”. Do a bit of research on what keywords your competitors are using and you always have the scope to better them.

Answering these questions about your B2B markets, customers can save time and enable you to get more results from content marketing efforts.

Your website is like a store front, it needs to create a memorable experience. Let your website speak for your brand! Contact us at 800-710-4895 or at and get into a habit of winning.

Questions to Ask Before You Create B2B Website Content

Amy John is a marketing executive with over 12 years of experience in the execution of marketing and lead generation strategies.