Bounce-proof your email marketing campaigns

Though the growth of the digital arena has expanded the number of channels, email continues to dominate all the other digital marketing tactics. While marketers focus on getting their copyright, it is important to note that bounce-proofing too is critical for a successful email campaign. Here is a checklist that comes in handy before launching an email campaign.

Keep it fresh
Keeping your email lists fresh is the key to enhancing the performance of an email campaign. Running a regular check on the existing email IDs is as important as adding new entries.

Gatekeep the entries
Typos getting into your list could be the most damaging reason why your emails bounce. Leverage a double-check system to avoid wrong ids sneaking into your email database. Asking your customers to verify the addresses while they sign up is the easiest method to filter the typos.

Recover the damage ASAP
There are chances that invalid IDs get into your lists surpassing the filtering. Implement a recovery process as soon as the same is identified. A delay in recovery can cost a customer. A list correction system can assist you in correcting a majority of the invalid ids. A routine list correction is advised as 30% or more of your email addresses are going to need updating each year.

Integrate offline with online
A majority of companies continue to employ offline methods of data collection. Utilize an email appending service to complete your database of names and addresses collected. An email append service can help you find 25% or more of the associated email addresses.

Get an online identity
To improve the delivery in the future, add a call-to-action in your email requesting the recipients to add your address to their address book. Instead of using ISPs like Gmail or Yahoo, get a domain in your name to send emails. When you send an email with your domain name in the address, it is likely to fetch more open rates.

Leverage test emails
Even after a fresh and hygienic list is built, hard bounces might continue to persist. Leverage the “test mail” feature in your email marketing tools to find out if the copy of your email is playing the culprit. A test mail with simple text can be used as a dipstick to segregate invalid email IDs from emails being rejected due to the copy. Please note: Use of JavaScript and attachments get red-flagged.

Examine your tools
With the growing number of marketers giving importance to email marketing, tools to ensure emails reach the Inboxes of your customers are fast advancing too. Examine your email marketing tool end-to-end to keep a check on when to upgrade your systems. Hiring an email service provider can assist you in launching your campaigns starting from data to design to delivery.

We at Email Data Group offer a range of data services including data appending, cleansing, verification, and more. Talk to our database specialist at 800-710-4895 or Email us at to find easy solutions to your queries.

Bounce-proof email marketing

Amy John is a marketing executive with over 12 years of experience in the execution of marketing and lead generation strategies.