Top Ways to Build Email Lists via Social Media

While you already have a social capital built, why does it become important to move the same audience to your email lists? Because email gives you better control and reach. Though the use of social media is increasing, when it comes to brand engagements, email still leads the way. Facebook claims that brand posts reach approximately 16% of their fans, but often it reaches less than 3%. This gives an insight into how permission-based emails work better for brand communications. Here are few quick tips to leverage social media to build your email list.

Sign up forms

Though the brand reach on Facebook is debatable, custom tab options on your brand’s page could be well used. Add a Newsletter Sign-up tab that leads to a landing page to capture user details. Those fans who invest their time on your social presence are more likely to sign up and connect with you beyond social media.

Preview of premium content

Be it a whitepaper, eBook or an infographic, show a preview of such content on social media and drive users to sign up with you to access what they requested for. If the content is deemed valuable enough, users wouldn’t mind subscribing or even be interested to receive such content via emails.


Hosting webinars and promoting them on all possible social channels could bring in relevant sign ups. Users that sign up for webinars would be aligned with your industry offerings. Hosting webinars is also a great way of establishing yourself as thought leaders.

Incentives for sign up

When you have an important email campaign coming up, giving away some freebies or incentivizing each sign-up would be a smart move to boost your existing list. Set up an autoresponder for such sign-ups to create a top-of-the-mind recall. In turns, these subscribers would be more open to receive your emails in near future.

Contest / Poll / Sweepstakes

Run a contest or poll that is in-line with your industry or business. Promote these contests on channels that have relevant audience. At the end of participation, make sure to display the result to the participant. Include a sign up form to share the complete survey result along with other survey suggestions to prompt their responses.

Ask for opinion

One of the biggest highlights of social is its potential to create two-way communication. Leverage this arena to ask your audience their opinion about a consumer problem within your industry, a review of your product/services, or even a casual opinion on a sports team performance. Capture their opinion and communicate how you value their time and response, followed by a “would you like to sign up with us?” form.

Email Data Group is a pioneer in B2B and B2C mailing lists provides tele-verified email addresses of prospects from your target markets. Contact us at 800-710-4895 or and get into a habit of winning.

social media email list

Amy John is a marketing executive with over 12 years of experience in the execution of marketing and lead generation strategies.