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Strategies to Reinforce your Email Campaign Results

Let's assume that you have an email marketing message

  • with all the interactive jingles
  • good offers
  • compelling content

In spite of having the most fitting message, why do you often get slack responses from email marketing? If this is happening to all your campaigns, then it's time to roll up your sleeves and look at the pre-campaigning checklist given below:

Use text formats along with HTML message

By default some email clients give users the option to disable HTML messages. If your message only contains HTML version, some subscribers will not be able to view it correctly. In order to avoid this, include plain-text version along with HTML.

Check your e-mail content

Validate your email in terms of SPAM score, spell check, W3C Compliance etc. Stringent standards on spam content set by ISP's, third party filters can screen your email for inadvertent usage of spam words. Understand how content filters work and take steps to make your content spam free.

Review the design

Maximize your creativity on all points of your email template, till the footer. Display the primary link of the preview pane, so the main contents are visible without scrolling. Use white space to make the design visually appealing and to highlight the call to action.

Simplify the user operation

Take a minute of your time to test all links and pages like registration, confirmation and thank you page. Simplify the operations by minimizing the number of clicks to complete a user operation. For optimum response, keep the number of clicks to two or three.

Optimize the landing page

Review the landing page from layout, headline, forms and call-to-action. Landing page is the primary gateway to conversion. Whether the desired action of the email is a purchase, offer, promotion, download or traffic generator, the role of an optimized landing page is significant to bring positive results.

Conduct regular list hygiene

Focus on quality over quantity of opt-in list. Use automated tools to remove the hard bounces or those resulted in multiple soft bounces. Too many in-active email addresses in your mailing list can put you at risk of being labeled as a spammer and blocked by ISPs.

Test email rendering issues

Test different email clients to verify how the email renders at all third party email clients. Due to various proprietary coding, blocked images can reduce the effects of your email campaign. Test results can show the blocked images, which can help you to redesign the template. Create ALT tags, or HTML code that can describe the text when the images are blocked.

Design a clear call to action

Finally, design a single point focus on your template. Create easy navigation with better visual hierarchy for the user. Avoid multiple calls to action as it can diffuse the main purpose of your email template.

Final cut

Follow the pre-campaign checklist as it can be used as a guide before sending out email campaigns. However, every business is unique. Constantly innovate and test every operation to improve email delivery and response.

Do you want guidance to enhance your campaign results? Contact Us.


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